Plots with Self-Defined Colormaps

This tutorial shows how to use the module tropy.plotting_tools.colormaps to make plots with the colormaps provided by this module.

Import Libraries

%matplotlib inline

# standard libs
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage

# plotting and mapping
import pylab as plt
import seaborn as sns
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (8, 6)

# the own tropy lib
import tropy.plotting_tools.colormaps
import tropy.plotting_tools.shaded

Making Example Data

We make some random example data for plotting.

nrow, ncol = 180, 200
x = np.linspace(0, 1, ncol)
y = np.linspace(0, 1, nrow)

r = 4 * np.random.randn( nrow, ncol )

# smoothing
r_sm = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(r, 2 )

Colormap based on Colorname

We take the random data and test different colormap options.

cmap = tropy.plotting_tools.colormaps.colorname_based_cmap( 'darkgreen')
plt.pcolormesh(x, y, r_sm, cmap = cmap)
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f484e2bdc10>
cmap = tropy.plotting_tools.colormaps.colorname_based_cmap( 'darkgreen',
                                                            start_col = 'black',
                                                            final_col = 'gold')
plt.pcolormesh(x, y, r_sm, cmap = cmap)
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f484e1b8f50>

Hmm, don’t know if you need this … let’s look at the next functions.

“Nice” Colormaps

We loop over the different colormap choices.

help( tropy.plotting_tools.colormaps.nice_cmaps )
Help on function nice_cmaps in module tropy.plotting_tools.colormaps:

    Some pre-defined "nice" colormaps.

    cmap_name : str
        name of a pre-defined colormap.

        * 'red2blue_disc'           :  a discrete red to blue
        * 'red2blue'                :  a contineous red to blue
        * 'white-green-orange'      :  a green-based transition
          from white to orange
        * 'white-blue-green-orange' :  a blue-based transition
          from white to orange
        * 'white-purple-orange'     :  a purple-based transistion
          from white to orange
        * 'ocean-clouds'            :  for clouds over ocean
        * 'land-clouds'             :  for clouds over land

    cmap : matplotlib colormap object
        resulting colormap

colormap_names = [ 'red2blue_disc',           #   a discrete red to blue transistion
                   'red2blue' ,               #   a continuous red to blue transistion
                   'white-green-orange',      #   a green-based transition from white to orange
                   'white-blue-green-orange', #   a blue-based transition from white to orange
                   'white-purple-orange',     #   a purple-based transistion from white to orange
                   'ocean-clouds',            #   for clouds over ocean
                   'land-clouds'              #   for clouds over land

Another Rainbow

fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 2, figsize = (16,6))
axs = axs.flatten()

for i, colmap in enumerate( colormap_names[0:2] ):

    cmap = tropy.plotting_tools.colormaps.nice_cmaps( colmap ) axs[i] )
    plt.title( colmap )
    plt.pcolormesh(x, y, r_sm, cmap = cmap)

Starting from “nowhere”

The colormaps start with white and are useful for positive-definite fields, like PDFs.

fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows = 3, ncols = 1, figsize = (8,18))
axs = axs.flatten()
plt.subplots_adjust( wspace = 0.4 )

for i, colmap in enumerate( colormap_names[2: 5] ):

    cmap = tropy.plotting_tools.colormaps.nice_cmaps( colmap ) axs[i] )
    plt.title( colmap )
    plt.pcolormesh(x, y, r_sm, cmap = cmap, vmin = -0.2, vmax = 1.)


The colormaps are for clouds over different undergrounds - to mimick the visible satellite composites.

fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 2, figsize = (16,6))
axs = axs.flatten()

for i, colmap in enumerate( colormap_names[-2:] ):

    cmap = tropy.plotting_tools.colormaps.nice_cmaps( colmap ) axs[i] )
    plt.title( colmap )
    plt.pcolormesh(x, y, r_sm, cmap = cmap, vmin = -3., vmax = 1.)

Colormaps for Satellite Data

The function enhanced_colormap is for 10.8 um brightness temperatures from satellite (e.g. for Meteosat SEVIRI).

We scale our random data in the typical range (200 K, 300 K)

help( tropy.plotting_tools.colormaps.enhanced_colormap)
Help on function enhanced_colormap in module tropy.plotting_tools.colormaps:

enhanced_colormap(vmin=200.0, vmed=240.0, vmax=300.0)
    Standard color enhancement used for infrared satellite brightness
    temperatures (BTs) in the atmospheric window around 10.8 um.

    vmin : float, optional
        minimum BT

    vmed : float, optional
        BT where transition between gray-scale and rainbow
        colors is done

    vmax : float, optional
        maximum BT

    mymap : matplotlib colormap object
        resulting colormap

b = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter( r_sm, 5)
bn =  (b - b.min()) / (b.max() - b.min())
bt108 = 100 * bn + 200
cmap = tropy.plotting_tools.colormaps.enhanced_colormap( )
plt.pcolormesh(x, y, bt108, cmap = cmap, vmin = 200, vmax = 300)
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f484c60f0d0>

The function enhanced_wv62_cmap is for the brightness temperature in the water vapor channel (e.g. for Meteosat SEVIRI).

We scale our random data in the typical range (200 K, 260 K)

Help on function enhanced_wv62_cmap in module tropy.plotting_tools.colormaps:

enhanced_wv62_cmap(vmin=200.0, vmed1=230.0, vmed2=240.0, vmax=260.0)
    Color enhancement (non-standard - more artistic) used for infrared satellite
    brightness temperatures (BTs) for water vapor channels.

    vmin : float, optional
        minimum BT

    vmed1 : float, optional
        BT where first transition between brownish colors
        and gray-scale is done

    vmed2 : float, optional
        BT where second transition between gray-scale
        and rainbow colors is done

    vmax : float, optional
        maximum BT

    mymap : matplotlib colormap object
        resulting colormap

bt062 = 70 * bn + 200
cmap = tropy.plotting_tools.colormaps.enhanced_wv62_cmap( )
plt.pcolormesh(x, y, bt062, cmap = cmap, vmin = 200, vmax = 260)
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f484c92e210>

Colormap for Radar Data

This colormap is taken from the DWD website to plot rain accumulations.

help( tropy.plotting_tools.colormaps.dwd_sfmap )
Help on function dwd_sfmap in module tropy.plotting_tools.colormaps:

    Colormap for DWD Radolan SF product for observed daily rain

    rrlevs : list
        rain rate levels (in mm)

    cmap :  matplotlib colormap object
        SF colormap

rr = 600 * b**3
rr =, 0.1)
rrlevs, cmap = tropy.plotting_tools.colormaps.dwd_sfmap( )
tropy.plotting_tools.shaded.shaded(x, y, rr, cmap = cmap, levels = rrlevs)
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f484c6bf590>


The module tropy.plotting_tools.colormaps provides you some self-defined colormaps, esp.

  • for satellite data
  • positive-definite fields (like pdfs) which start from zero (white)